▲ Gabriel ▲

Hello, my name is Gabriel. I am a transmasc artist from Brazil. I am 18 years old at the moment. My main interest is a3!, and my favorite/comfort character is Misumi. You will see a lot of him here. This is a brief carrd just to get some things clear.

I am really slow with art, because of uni and my emotional state, so i might take a good while to post.
My commissions are always open, see my fixed for more info (please buy my drawings).
I don't tend to block people in this account, I just use it to post art, nothing more. However, I'm a yumedanshi with Misumi and I am not comfortable with sharing, so if I've blocked you is mostly because of that (yeah, even if you should be the "main audience" for my posts, I still mainly draw to myself, and I can control who see my posts.)